Inas Hyatt

{ full_stack_developer }



my name is

Inas Hyatt

profile Upon graduating from UC Berkeley, and completing a year's term in AmeriCorps I began a career in edtech. From there, I developed a strong interest in learning how to code and develop web applications. When not taking online coding courses or practicing algorithms, I would attend my company's tech info sessions and demo days. Recognizing the many ways women especially women of color are highly underepresented in the tech industry, I pushed to make the UC Berkeley's 31st annual Emowering Women of Color Conference focus on the many ways women of color are thriving in the tech world. With tickets completely sold out, the conference was a huge success in both empowering women in the tech industry along with helping women of color network with one another.

I am apart of various networking groups such as the Ola Initiative and LadyNerds, whose aim is to support women in tech. I have also made active efforts to attend various tech meetups where I was given the opportunity to learn more about certain companies software, along with better understanding the hottest innovations in tech. When not hiking, community organizing, or doing the basic GTLs(gym, tan, laundry), I enjoy improving my coding skills through online courses or self learning through analyzing fellow coder's programs.

Languages & Techonologies Known

ember Logo node Logo git Logo SQL Alch Python Logo CSS/HTML Logo AJAX Logo Postgres Logo Jquery Logo bootstrap Logo flask Logo ruby Logo React Logo JS Logo D3 Logo Java Logo Rails Logo json Logo

Let's Talk.

If you are interested in learning more about my projects or would like to know more about me, please contact me