Inas Hyatt

{ full_stack_developer }



Recent Work

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Work Experience


Locus Energy

Software Engineer Intern 2017

Componentized JavaScript and HTML5 templates for displaying solar energy data, optimizing the codebase by over 75% utilizing Ember.js, CSS3 and Flexbox.

Engineered solar energy dashboard to display product information regarding customer relevant data points using JavaScript, Ember.js, Node.js, and Highcharts.js.

Integrated Mirage into Ember.js system to improve functionality of platform by more than 80% while reducing production level errors and ensuring proper API endpoints were available.

Integrated Mirage into Ember.js system to improve functionality of platform by more than 80% while reducing production level errors and ensuring proper API endpoints were available.

Implemented Ember.js authorization to verify against application’s API, returning access Tokens to provide access to solar energy management system and improve security by 100%.

Followed agile development process on team of 4 engineers, reducing errors in Git merge requests by > 25%.


Course Hero

Program Coordinator 2014 - 2016

Wrote SQL queries to find active tutors and clients in order to measure tutor performance quality, company year over year revenue and customer satisfaction.

Managed 15 - 20 active clients weekly, ensuring positive customer experience and student academic success.

Led recruitment team that successfully added hundreds of tutors of a diverse background with exceptional academic standing, community service, and leadership skills to the Course Hero tutor platform.



UC Berkeley May 2012

Bachelor’s degree, Ethnic Studies

Languages & Techonologies Known

ember Logo node Logo git Logo SQL Alch Python Logo CSS/HTML Logo AJAX Logo Postgres Logo Jquery Logo bootstrap Logo flask Logo ruby Logo React Logo JS Logo D3 Logo Java Logo Rails Logo json Logo

Let's Talk.

If you are interested in learning more about my projects or would like to know more about me, please contact me